The company is celebrating its 25th anniversary. You are also responsible for the medical welfare of the working colleagues this evening. The celebration has already been going on for 2 hours, it is quite warm in the premises and now the boss takes the microphone to keep a speech according to the situation. After the somewhat prolonged speech, you see a former, now retired, employee collapsing as he gets up. You hurry at once.
What do you do first?
1. I support the woman with the help of a standing colleague and bring her into the medical room to avoid the glances of the other employees and work in peace.
2. I start resuscitation immediately. It is a clear case of a circulatory stagnation. There are no other causes for this loss of consciousness.
3. I create enough space by arranging two bystanders to take care of the bystanders and secure the space. After that, I assess the condition of the woman, which is collapsed according to the pattern consciousness-respiratory-circulatory injuries.