Administering first aid effectively and safely
First aid is only successful if it is administered using a systemic approach. JDMT is the only provider of a system for first aid in Switzerland. Five components ensure that First Aid is constantly maintained as a system quickly, effectively and safely.
- The conceptual framework
- Die effectors (First responders)
- Tools
- Professional support
- Quality management
It must be established in the conceptual framework which objectives the first aid organisation hat to achieve (skills, intervention times) and how the organisational tasks are to be divided.
Both first aiders and their training are understood by the term responders. JDMT recognises four categories: laymen, qualified first aiders, professionals (eg. doctors and paramedics) as well as experts (eg. emergency doctor).
Tools are procedures, apps/manuals, documentation. Protective items (gloves), AED and material to treat wounds.
It is important that every responder can always access professional support. JDMT recommends always consulting the emergency services by dialling 144 if in doubt. JDMT also offers its own professional 24/7 telephone support line. As a result the risk of missing something important is reduced and the responders feel more secure because they have been able to consult someone.
Every patient contact is followed up by one of the JDMT doctors. These provide direct feedback to first aiders. The achievement of objective is checked against the conceptual framework by the client (among other things using emergency drills).